Family Support Groups

Support Groups for Issues around Substance Use

Are you a parent concerned about substance use by your child, teen or young adult? You are not alone. New Hampshire has a drug problem. Many families are suffering in silence. Come hear from other parents sharing their stories and gain information, support, and resources to answer your questions and address your concerns. Drug addiction is a preventable disease when information and intervention happens early. Treatment works and recovery is possible. It is okay to ask for help. As a parent, you can play an important role in prevention and in supporting your child's recovery.

Contact the facilitator for the date and time in your area.

Canaan:             Elena (603) 359-3321   or   Doris (603) 306-6574

Concord:            Donna (603) 568-0533

Derry:                 Denyce (603) 247-7322

Dover:                 John (603) 969-1305   or   Theresa (603) 509-7031

Farmington:        Lynn (603) 817-6174   or   Karen (603) 755-1345

Laconia:              Nancy (603) 293-0960

Manchester:        Susan/Patrick (603) 668-4859

Nashua:              Sue (603)351-8356

Peterborough:    Sue (603) 244-0762   or   Melinda (603) 239-4063

Seabrook:          Chucky (978) 423-1222


For additional information contact Susan at (603) 688-4859